How does our training and compassionate discussions differ from that of all other agencies?
We are not a “one size fits all” presentation. We do not talk “at you”. Our presentations are designed as a discussion format to include you and to explore perspectives because all cases are different. We understand and acknowledge the complexity of Human Trafficking and sexual exploitation. Angels of Hope Against Human Trafficking has highly qualified presenters and public educators on Violence Against Women, mental health and addictions.
AOH has many diverse survivors of human trafficking who have graduated from the AOH counselling program and want to give back to their community and help other survivors and their families. They often assist by speaking with at-risk youth, young offenders, youth living with addictions, and assistance in tracking missing youth.
We promise you will not have the same repeated presentations with us as we change it up every time and dependant on the audience. Book your training with us today!
Cristina Scarpellini, Director and founder of Angels of Hope, Certified Addictions Counsellor and front-line worker has extensive experience working with at-risk-youth. She provides one on one counselling services and long-term support. Cristina also has lived experience with mental health and addictions.
Lynzy Lalande, Public Educator and Consultant on Violence Against Women and survivor of sexual violence. Lynzy assists AOH as she comes from a clinical hospital background (Health Sciences North and VOICES for Women Sudbury Sexual Assault Centre), working with immigrant women victims/survivors of violence (Immigrant Services), Cambrian College Justice Program (Professor), assisting school liaison officers Greater Sudbury Police Services, working with the Ontario Court of Justice (MAG), and survivor lead experience. Lynzy Lalande has also trained many departments over the years at Health Sciences North and community partners such as Sudbury and Area Victim Services on sexual assault and human trafficking.
On behalf of Angels of Hope Against Human Trafficking, I would like to sincerely thank you for considering our agency into your organization for training on Human Trafficking/sexual exploitation and compassionate parent discussions.