Referral Process

The purpose of the intake process is for AOH to get to know you, as well as get an idea of what services you may need. It is also an opportunity for you to get to know us, and the services and support we can offer you. The intake process can be done by phone, virtually over Zoom, or in-person, with an AOH staff member. The staff member will ask you questions, and give you a chance to share your story.

From your responses, we will start a circle of care that could include addiction or mental health counselling, virtual support groups, and case management and/or referrals to specialized community agencies.

There are two different ways survivors can be referred to AOH and access services:

  1. Community referrals—if you are a service provider at a community agency, and believe a survivor you are supporting could use our services, you can call or email AOH to set up the intake process for your client. Alternatively, you can provide us with their contact information, and one of our staff members will be in touch to set up the intake process.
  2. Self-referral—if you are a survivor looking to access our free, safe, bilingual, and confidential services, you can call or email us directly, or fill in the form on this page, and one of our staff members will be in touch to conduct the intake.

The survivor has the option of having the intake process done by phone, virtually, or in person.

There is NO wait time.